TumiBee Salted Caramel Mocha

TumiBee Salted Caramel Mocha

Want chocolate, coffee, caramel and health benefits all at the same time?  Then this is your drink!  Check out this delicious and healthy golden mocha!



1 tbsp TumiBee mixed with 4 oz warm water 
1/4 cup coconut milk or milk of choice
1 shot espresso
2 tbsp cacao powder
2 tbsp caramel sauce (we recommend Sweet Apricity!)
*Large glass filled with ice (if making the cold version)


1) Mix TumiBee with warm water.
2) Place TumiBee water, milk of choice, espresso & cacao powder in a blender and mix well.
3) Drizzle caramel sauce over a glass of ice and pour blended mixture over cup. *For a warm drink, use warm milk & espresso, and drizzle caramel on top of drink.

And voila! You just made a delicious Golden Mocha!